Watched this Supper Mummy show on Tuesday, its hosted by Quan Yifeng and Pornsak. The show is supposed to feature different mummies competing weekly and one winner shall emerge in Dec as the ultimate Super Mummy. There was this particular mummy contestant with the name Kai, her full name is Chen Kailing. Her angled chin and very sharp nose caught my attention almost immediately. Though she is definately a cute and hot looking mama, i can't help but notice a close resemblance between her and a particular popular blogger.
But due to my lack of talent in sourcing good pictures, i have only the pics below to weakly prove my point. But hey, when i see her on-screen with her long, tousled wavy hair and her cheeky shy grin, i felt that i am looking at a DY replica in her. Hope she is either a neutral or at least is a DY fan, or else im sure this young mama is gonna flip if she ever read this.
During this week episode, the contestants are suppose to sell their stuff at a pasar malam, and when they feature her at home, sitting on the floor preparing the clothes, her grin, her fake eyelash, her eye make up, her figure, the way she sit, the way she smile at the camera and of course the way she hair is being flipped i swear she shares 90% likeness to DY. At some point it kinda irk me, coz i am not a DY fan, i prefer people who are proud that they look Asian. Now the more i notice the likeness she shares with DY in terms of appearance, it kinda makes me become cynical and i start thinkin... Her nose suddenly seems a little unreal, her chin looks too sharp, her skin looks tight and stretched and her forehead is slightly bulging like DY's.
But one thing that is different is of course, her talent.She owns 2 shops, and apparently i think most of the clothes in her shop is designed by herself, and they are fabulous. I have always like Kai clothes, they are like the only ones in the market that is short enough for me, their prices are usually from $79 onwards for the dresses, i dunno bout the top, coz the top are like always overly tiny and small . I have 2 little black dress from Kai and it is still being lovingly treated in my wardrobe.
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