Friday, October 17, 2008

Cabbie tee vee

Thanks to my sister's new Blackberry phone, i think she couldn't recognise its alarm tone, and every other day, the disturbing sound rang at 6:30 a.m and she continue sleeping like a pig though the tone was almost deafening!! Gosh... end up, everytime i was disturbed, i will be late for work. And than its raise raise hand, look for Mr Ahmad.

Well~i board this new Honda Transcab, and i saw this TV screen in the cab, well taking into consideration the boarding charges was $3.00, to have this TV is certainly worth it. But i can't help thinking, obviously this screen is for tourist, but shld the increase in cab boarding fee be risen from $2.80 to $3.00 because of it than a bit unfair leh. I notice than there are more and more of these new Honda cabs and Kia cabs on the road, and many is charging $3.00, as time goes, more and more changes will be done to these cabs. So that they could attract tourist, but yet we Singaporeans are the one that has to pay such increases too....

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