Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Conversations with Him

Hmm havin been inspired by a friend, let me share some conversation between me and my baby too!!

(Over SMS)
R: Morning baby. I have a nightmare. U was chasing after me with ur long nails.
Me: Morning. Oh izzit, did i manage to kill u in the end?
R: No. I gave a panda kick and u fell into a shit hole. haha

(Strolling on one fine day)
Spotted a happy family walkin in front of me.
Me: I can't wait for the day we can be like them, i wear shorts than u walk beside me, carrying our baby.(gazing dreamily)
R: No
Me(bewildered look): Why??!!!
R(givin a smirk face): Coz I WILL WEAR SHORTS and U will CARRY the baby.

1 comment:

madgreenelf said...

ehh... copycat lei you! lol!
but, the shithole thing's pretty funny!