Im computerless again, and you know why, its becoz of that F***inG CHALLENGER. My poor comp is down again. Stupid useless tecnicians.
They are challenging me on my ability to flare up at them and burn their stupid blue shop down. Grrrr..... Useless technicians.
My bro sent in our desktop comp in for repair at Challenger EastPoint beginning of Jan, paid good money for a new 1gb RAM. One month later, on a one fine sunny afternoon. Comp stare blankly at me irregardless of how many times i jabbed heartlessly at the ON button.
Admitted hosipital CH*LL*NG*R again. The Customer Service guy so clever (or so i thot), say my computer dusty inside, dust dust a bit, do some cleaning on the things inside and VOILA, its alive!!
GODamnit! Less than a month later, my comp stare blankly at me again, giving me the constant beeping sound, like its gonna die and the respirator is beeping and telling me the heart gonna stop anytime lidat. F**k,
As im busy, my Dad help sent my comp to hospital CH*LL*NG*R again. The staff called me up and asked if there are any important files inside cause they may have to re-format my comp and all data will be gone.
I was like WTF!!
I paid $166 for data-recovery during the Jan repair, and 1 month later u r telling me u gonna erase them all again!!! No way man.
I said to him in my utmost pissed off tone, im not gonna be paying a single cent and they better ensure all my files r still there and im not gonna be paying a single cent for data-recovery, and i reminded them this comp has been sent to them for repairs just 1 month ago!!!
Turns out, they do not need to re-format my comp, coz its the RAM that we purchase from them in jan that is causing the problem, and they have since replace it with a new one. (WTF rite, giive me a lousy RAM in the first place, WT...)
I am so damn sure, if i had not kick a fuss over the phone, they will simply act or be retarded and just re-format the whole comp and than ask mi to pay for the stupid data-recovery again lor.
And guess what, after i bring it back home yesterday afternoon, after i the exterior and my keyboard a nice good wipe, pat them nicely, say sweet nothings to them after all this. It stare at me blankly again that very night after im back from Dinner.
If my flu is not giving me the Fever, i think this will.
Pls, Oh God, Pls tell me, how can i look for non-retards technicians.
I have only just started watching 6 episodes of Gossip Girls season 1, and i was like halfway in love with Serena attitude & Nate eyes and than this happens~~my God, im already way behind, i only on Season 1...., with the constant comp failure, when can i finish watching all the other shows im dying to watch....
I gonna need a new comp soon man, or im gonna buy some chilli padi and stuff it down those retard technicians puny brains. Why must the IT show be over just when i needed it most~~
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