Thursday, December 04, 2008


Started playing this game which was recommended by Mei called
You can only play it from 6pm to 6am.

It’s a catch ghost kinda game, im not really hooked on this yet, but when I google it, it seems many people are hook to it after playing. So far I dieded like 7 times, and im still waiting for the game to start becoming really scary.

Mei says its really really scary, but other than the sound effects the whole scare isn’t getting in to me yet. But the sound is really gross, there was a part I suddenly found myself walking down and down this spiral staircase and than suddenly someone or something thrown me over, and I can ‘witness’ myself falling down down down then with slimy ‘SPLAT’ sound, I ‘died’. Quite interesting. I shall play on to see how many other ways I can die~~

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