Pouring Water over this small jade buddha, which is not obvious from this picture. My agent told me that if we pour the same number of times as our age we will be greatly blessed. But we never la, we just pour a few times for fun than we walk away liao. Hand very tired leh plus the weather so hot.

This buddha is supposedly specially for people whom are born on Thursday. And yes u r right. I am a Thursday Baby!! Dunno whats so special, but its just fun lor. There have 7 different buddha, so Myanmar people will come and pray at their respective buddha and seek blessings lor. Interesting isn't it.
Found this info on wikipedia
"It is very important for every Myanmar Buddhist people to recognize the day of their birth, such as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc. Otherwise, he or she may not know which part of pagoda platform to go and make special devotional acts either his or her desire or by the advice of Astrologer.
Most Myanmar Buddhist approach an astrologer for something or another, whether to go ahead with a move to a new house or get married or pass exams or doing new business. The astrologer would do some calculations according to the magic formulas he alone knows and arrive at a certain conclusion. The astrologer would sometime say that he or she is under the bad influence of a certain planet and to counter this the clients should go to his or her birthday planetary post and pour a certain number of cups of water or place papier mache umbrellas or flowers etc as a "yadaya" or to put it in English, a symbolic counter to avert the bad influences the subject is under currently or looming in the future by using the inherent powers in his or her offering plus some personal wishes. "

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