Hee, did something special for Baby R today.
Dunno y i did it, but just feel like doing something to encourage him in his studies.
I brewed herbal soup and made tea leaf eggs for him.
Haha, it may not seem to be very 'liao bu qi', but i am very sure not many gals
out there will take the initiative to out of the blue do such things lor.
I spent many hours monitoring the soup and my eggs ley~
It may seems like a small thing and yes i could have bought them instead, quality more assured. But i really preferred to have them DIY, coz i want him to be able to feel my XIN YI when he is drinking them. If they dun taste good, i will keep doing until i am good at it. :)
All it takes is a few pieces of star anise, cinnamon, dark & light soya sauce, black tea bags for my Tea Leaf Eggs. The smell was heavenly while i was boiling the eggs in the concoction, it makes me feel hungry myself, haha, i believe i have made the neighbours hunger for tea leaf eggs too, ha.
No pictures to show coz i rushed to meet Miao & SIA gal in Orchard after that.
Yes sorry im late, i promise to be more initiative in contacting you dear gals in future.
I AM SORRY~~ But Pearly will still be more special (bleah~~~ :p)
Back to talking about R, He also naughty lar, told me that he is working late than drag
very long liao than reveal that its confirm he applied leave and gonna spend one whole
day with me tomorrow!!
(We Going SENTOSA~)
It is very 'liao bu qi' lor coz he is havin his important exams in 1 month time, and i knew how precious every single day is to him.
Going for an interview tomorrow, hope it gonna turn out well, my bro just prayed for me somemore, felt so touched. :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
God's protection
Was feeling disappointed this afternoon, actually i meant to say, devastated, but 5 minutes later i am back online doing what i need to do. Nothing can beats me down, R is right, perhaps it really is God's way of protecting me.
I wouldn't have gotten the courage to tender my resignation, wouldn't have move on, so now i will smile and look onto what's next. Every single day gonna be an exciting day. Pray for me. :)
Whew, i manage to finish 33 episodes of the HKG drama serial 'The Gem of Life' in less than a week. I was still worried that i may not be able to finish all 83 episodes by end of THIS week, but i guess the problem all solve now.
I so so look forward to both events, and im so glad that Sidney included me in her special moments. Just hope that the 27 dresses story don't falls on me, cause i seem to be involve in quite a number of friend's wedding in recent years.
I wouldn't have gotten the courage to tender my resignation, wouldn't have move on, so now i will smile and look onto what's next. Every single day gonna be an exciting day. Pray for me. :)
Whew, i manage to finish 33 episodes of the HKG drama serial 'The Gem of Life' in less than a week. I was still worried that i may not be able to finish all 83 episodes by end of THIS week, but i guess the problem all solve now.
I so so look forward to both events, and im so glad that Sidney included me in her special moments. Just hope that the 27 dresses story don't falls on me, cause i seem to be involve in quite a number of friend's wedding in recent years.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Its been so long since i gave myself a break, haha, spent many hours doing the laundry, putting on mask, watchin HKG dramas, spending many hours in bed. Doing what i love to do, having what u called quality time.
Hmm..not much stories abt myself to share, but i did came across this irritatin thing last friday.
I admit i dun dislike kids, in actual fact i do like them, but of course this does not cover kids that are fat, ugly and has disgusting attitude and poor hygiene practice.
I was in the mrt heading towards R's place when three Malay kids in religious school uniform boarded the train. As the both seats beside me was empty, two of them sat down and i was sandwiched in the middle, and the one seated on my right actually had the nerve to try to get rid of me so that the friend can take over my seat.
Less than a minute after he sat down, he started makin loud clucking sounds into my ears, and if thats not enough, he startin chantin weird sounds too, when i feign ignorance of his behaviour, he startin playing with his hat and crashin into my sides repeatedly and without a word of apology!
I gave him my deadly stare and that ended everything. But omg, another 3 Malay kids wearing the same uniform entered the train, within minutes later, the oldest among which shld be ard 9-10 years of age started jumping and snatchin these Singnet brochures that were hang on the horizontal hand bars and the 2 small kids beside him whom were abt 6-7 yrs of age start doin the same.
But as there were really tiny, the brochures were simply out of reach for the, as i watch them nearly stumble and fall several times, as the train was not packed, there was plenty room for them to jump ard, i overhead these 3 indian gals seated opposite me commentin how cute there were. One Malay couple even help the young gal took down 1 brochure.
I was aghast! Dun these adults have brains~
The young gal started climbin on the chairs and tried to reach for the bars by huggin the side vertical hand bars and THE ADULTS ACTUALLY MOVE ASIDE FOR HER. Can't take it anymore, i stopped the oldest kid and asked him to stop whatever they r doing as someone could get hurt. And should they not stop, im gonna call their religious teachers.
I dunno whats the problem with some people nowadays, if u see a possible accident happening, how could you not try to prevent it? Should they fall and hurt themselves badly, i can already imagine what these hypocrites gonna say, "Oh it all happen so fast, there was nothin anyone could have done', it may seem like a small matter, but people nowadays seem to lack initiative in everything.
Hmm..not much stories abt myself to share, but i did came across this irritatin thing last friday.
I admit i dun dislike kids, in actual fact i do like them, but of course this does not cover kids that are fat, ugly and has disgusting attitude and poor hygiene practice.
I was in the mrt heading towards R's place when three Malay kids in religious school uniform boarded the train. As the both seats beside me was empty, two of them sat down and i was sandwiched in the middle, and the one seated on my right actually had the nerve to try to get rid of me so that the friend can take over my seat.
Less than a minute after he sat down, he started makin loud clucking sounds into my ears, and if thats not enough, he startin chantin weird sounds too, when i feign ignorance of his behaviour, he startin playing with his hat and crashin into my sides repeatedly and without a word of apology!
I gave him my deadly stare and that ended everything. But omg, another 3 Malay kids wearing the same uniform entered the train, within minutes later, the oldest among which shld be ard 9-10 years of age started jumping and snatchin these Singnet brochures that were hang on the horizontal hand bars and the 2 small kids beside him whom were abt 6-7 yrs of age start doin the same.
But as there were really tiny, the brochures were simply out of reach for the, as i watch them nearly stumble and fall several times, as the train was not packed, there was plenty room for them to jump ard, i overhead these 3 indian gals seated opposite me commentin how cute there were. One Malay couple even help the young gal took down 1 brochure.
I was aghast! Dun these adults have brains~
The young gal started climbin on the chairs and tried to reach for the bars by huggin the side vertical hand bars and THE ADULTS ACTUALLY MOVE ASIDE FOR HER. Can't take it anymore, i stopped the oldest kid and asked him to stop whatever they r doing as someone could get hurt. And should they not stop, im gonna call their religious teachers.
I dunno whats the problem with some people nowadays, if u see a possible accident happening, how could you not try to prevent it? Should they fall and hurt themselves badly, i can already imagine what these hypocrites gonna say, "Oh it all happen so fast, there was nothin anyone could have done', it may seem like a small matter, but people nowadays seem to lack initiative in everything.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Finally made the move. I shall be sayin my Goodbyes by tml noon. Gonna miss and be miss by many. Sobz.
God truly moves at a time when i least expected it. After attending several disappointing interviews a few months back, i thot i m gonna have to just resign to fate and just seat and wait,
sometimes i start doubting could i be doom to stay under the sleeve of a poor leadership but God remembers me, im so happy~
Good things happen one after another, and everything kinda overwhelms me, all these good news brings me to shame. Im sorry Lord, i shouldn't have doubt.
I was transferred to a new asst manager early last month, and with God's blessing, my manager gave birth to a lovely gal and thus had to handover this overseas event in Myanmar to my new manager.
Well as a result, i was given the opportunity to travel to Myanmar!! For the first time since my 1.5 years in the company, i felt i was alive in the department. Shortly after, i receive good news yet again, i was offered a position at HFF. I was indeed thrill, coz HFF was one of the best among the companies i have applied for.
But God's flow of blessing doesn't ends for me, i was offered another attractive position at my bro-in-law's new company. Both is simply to hard to resist. Now, nothin seems describe the great thanks i have for my Lord Jesus Christ.
In my heart, i knew that all this doesn't comes by chance nor does it comes becoz im good with interview skills or social skills, it comes through great plans which my Lord has set for me. I do not know what lies ahead, every job has it difficulties and challenge, but having been through the dark valleys, i have rested enough and i will face new challenges with bravery and strength.
Looking back now at the many people im gonna left behind, i felt great sadness inside me. This department used to be what was constructed as the dream job in my mind. But dreams do not last forever, and in this imperfect world, i experience the world's weirdest people.
I have always thot that if a person is ugly at least im sure they will have a beautiful personality, but apparently i was wrong. Im jus too naive.
There ARE people out there that is ugly outside and inside. People who tries to put on a false front and tries to pretend to be nice every single day. We need to understand that Sometimes people who backstab may not necessarily look like back-stabbers.
Yet, sometimes it is people whom put on a nice front, initiates friendly conversation with you, gave u all the inside stories voluntarily, these are the people we should be wary of.
The equation can be quite simple, girls with great personality and genuine smile, irregardless of ur looks, generates great vibes and naturally has lotsa friends and not to mention dates.
As for the opposite of such gals, u generally sees them with little or no friends. Coz they naturally project negative vibes.
No one is irreplaceable, i knew this since i finish O'levels, perhaps they dun teach this in University, or perhaps u were too busy than to remember this.
Jesus takes in 12 disciples to spread his gospel, God uses Adam, Eve, Jesus and appears to many whom loves and seek him.
Every company has more than one staff to handle their day-to-day operations, the world does not revolves around person, they revolve aroudn people.
We delegate.
God truly moves at a time when i least expected it. After attending several disappointing interviews a few months back, i thot i m gonna have to just resign to fate and just seat and wait,
sometimes i start doubting could i be doom to stay under the sleeve of a poor leadership but God remembers me, im so happy~
Good things happen one after another, and everything kinda overwhelms me, all these good news brings me to shame. Im sorry Lord, i shouldn't have doubt.
I was transferred to a new asst manager early last month, and with God's blessing, my manager gave birth to a lovely gal and thus had to handover this overseas event in Myanmar to my new manager.
Well as a result, i was given the opportunity to travel to Myanmar!! For the first time since my 1.5 years in the company, i felt i was alive in the department. Shortly after, i receive good news yet again, i was offered a position at HFF. I was indeed thrill, coz HFF was one of the best among the companies i have applied for.
But God's flow of blessing doesn't ends for me, i was offered another attractive position at my bro-in-law's new company. Both is simply to hard to resist. Now, nothin seems describe the great thanks i have for my Lord Jesus Christ.
In my heart, i knew that all this doesn't comes by chance nor does it comes becoz im good with interview skills or social skills, it comes through great plans which my Lord has set for me. I do not know what lies ahead, every job has it difficulties and challenge, but having been through the dark valleys, i have rested enough and i will face new challenges with bravery and strength.
Looking back now at the many people im gonna left behind, i felt great sadness inside me. This department used to be what was constructed as the dream job in my mind. But dreams do not last forever, and in this imperfect world, i experience the world's weirdest people.
I have always thot that if a person is ugly at least im sure they will have a beautiful personality, but apparently i was wrong. Im jus too naive.
There ARE people out there that is ugly outside and inside. People who tries to put on a false front and tries to pretend to be nice every single day. We need to understand that Sometimes people who backstab may not necessarily look like back-stabbers.
In most times, we judge based on the first impression, the first instints that
we felt is right. But i learnt, that sometimes people whom gave u the worst
impression may end up be your very best friend at the end of the day.
Yet, sometimes it is people whom put on a nice front, initiates friendly conversation with you, gave u all the inside stories voluntarily, these are the people we should be wary of.
The equation can be quite simple, girls with great personality and genuine smile, irregardless of ur looks, generates great vibes and naturally has lotsa friends and not to mention dates.
As for the opposite of such gals, u generally sees them with little or no friends. Coz they naturally project negative vibes.
Sometimes i wonder, if u work late, as in really really late every single day,
does it means u r really really hardworking or does it means u r really really
If every single people in the company are able to finish
their work by end day and OT perhaps occasionally except u, does this says
No one is irreplaceable, i knew this since i finish O'levels, perhaps they dun teach this in University, or perhaps u were too busy than to remember this.
A company that runs one-man show never prosper.
Jesus takes in 12 disciples to spread his gospel, God uses Adam, Eve, Jesus and appears to many whom loves and seek him.
Every company has more than one staff to handle their day-to-day operations, the world does not revolves around person, they revolve aroudn people.
We delegate.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Im sick, so sick, argh....
Down with a painful sore throat and flu on monday, took mc. People take medicine will recover how come i like take poison lidat, my flu just grew worse one..arghh..sick...my voice is so rough now.
Went to Uniqlo on monday, coz my company clinic is located in Tampines 1, happening rite, hahaha.
Uniqlo is over-rated lar, its definately over-rated. The clothes there are a cross-over between Giordano and Cotton-on, and the price are so-so only. From what ive heard, its from Japan, and its well-known for their affordable but fashionable wear. But the name seems so Singaporean to me leh, Uniqlo = Unique Lor, its our trademark slang. Hmm...maybe we have foreign Singapore talent hidden in Japan. Next time i shall open my own store and named it 'Happenin Ride' :)
But i notice a new trend in tampines lately, the uniqlo trend. Everyone that has been to Tampines 1, simply has to leave with a Uniqlo plastic bag in their hands. Its like an official symbol of 'I HAVE BEEN THERE' And never to be one that is behind the trend, i march in and got myself something too, haha.
I bought my terry cloth pants at Uniqlo, yeah!! So im all ready for my next hip hop dance, Rock on Baby~
As for movies, i eventually decided on 'Handsome Suit', its a great show, no teary moments, but it really boost the morale of ugly people. Haha i love the bus-part, tempt me to throw disgusting look at the man that bump into me on the bus last night, hehehe.
I simply love the character Reika (Mayumi Sada) in Handsome suit, she is oh so gorgeous and cool, Hiroko is the typical sweet japanese girl, but Reika exudes charm and feminine power.
I find it pretty unfair that Mayumi doesn't gets to grace the posters of handsome suit, with those good looks and great acting, she deserve to have her name mention more. Simply fsll in love with those misty eyes and sharp nose. If only i have that kinda nose Oh Gosh!!!
Down with a painful sore throat and flu on monday, took mc. People take medicine will recover how come i like take poison lidat, my flu just grew worse one..arghh..sick...my voice is so rough now.
Went to Uniqlo on monday, coz my company clinic is located in Tampines 1, happening rite, hahaha.
Uniqlo is over-rated lar, its definately over-rated. The clothes there are a cross-over between Giordano and Cotton-on, and the price are so-so only. From what ive heard, its from Japan, and its well-known for their affordable but fashionable wear. But the name seems so Singaporean to me leh, Uniqlo = Unique Lor, its our trademark slang. Hmm...maybe we have foreign Singapore talent hidden in Japan. Next time i shall open my own store and named it 'Happenin Ride' :)
But i notice a new trend in tampines lately, the uniqlo trend. Everyone that has been to Tampines 1, simply has to leave with a Uniqlo plastic bag in their hands. Its like an official symbol of 'I HAVE BEEN THERE' And never to be one that is behind the trend, i march in and got myself something too, haha.
I bought my terry cloth pants at Uniqlo, yeah!! So im all ready for my next hip hop dance, Rock on Baby~
As for movies, i eventually decided on 'Handsome Suit', its a great show, no teary moments, but it really boost the morale of ugly people. Haha i love the bus-part, tempt me to throw disgusting look at the man that bump into me on the bus last night, hehehe.
I simply love the character Reika (Mayumi Sada) in Handsome suit, she is oh so gorgeous and cool, Hiroko is the typical sweet japanese girl, but Reika exudes charm and feminine power.
I find it pretty unfair that Mayumi doesn't gets to grace the posters of handsome suit, with those good looks and great acting, she deserve to have her name mention more. Simply fsll in love with those misty eyes and sharp nose. If only i have that kinda nose Oh Gosh!!!

Photo credit to mystarhill
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Myanmar Pics
Heheh i have uploaded my pics taken in Myanmar on my Facebook. But sharing a few here.
Pouring Water over this small jade buddha, which is not obvious from this picture. My agent told me that if we pour the same number of times as our age we will be greatly blessed. But we never la, we just pour a few times for fun than we walk away liao. Hand very tired leh plus the weather so hot.

This buddha is supposedly specially for people whom are born on Thursday. And yes u r right. I am a Thursday Baby!! Dunno whats so special, but its just fun lor. There have 7 different buddha, so Myanmar people will come and pray at their respective buddha and seek blessings lor. Interesting isn't it.
Found this info on wikipedia
"It is very important for every Myanmar Buddhist people to recognize the day of their birth, such as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc. Otherwise, he or she may not know which part of pagoda platform to go and make special devotional acts either his or her desire or by the advice of Astrologer.
Most Myanmar Buddhist approach an astrologer for something or another, whether to go ahead with a move to a new house or get married or pass exams or doing new business. The astrologer would do some calculations according to the magic formulas he alone knows and arrive at a certain conclusion. The astrologer would sometime say that he or she is under the bad influence of a certain planet and to counter this the clients should go to his or her birthday planetary post and pour a certain number of cups of water or place papier mache umbrellas or flowers etc as a "yadaya" or to put it in English, a symbolic counter to avert the bad influences the subject is under currently or looming in the future by using the inherent powers in his or her offering plus some personal wishes. "

Pouring Water over this small jade buddha, which is not obvious from this picture. My agent told me that if we pour the same number of times as our age we will be greatly blessed. But we never la, we just pour a few times for fun than we walk away liao. Hand very tired leh plus the weather so hot.

This buddha is supposedly specially for people whom are born on Thursday. And yes u r right. I am a Thursday Baby!! Dunno whats so special, but its just fun lor. There have 7 different buddha, so Myanmar people will come and pray at their respective buddha and seek blessings lor. Interesting isn't it.
Found this info on wikipedia
"It is very important for every Myanmar Buddhist people to recognize the day of their birth, such as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc. Otherwise, he or she may not know which part of pagoda platform to go and make special devotional acts either his or her desire or by the advice of Astrologer.
Most Myanmar Buddhist approach an astrologer for something or another, whether to go ahead with a move to a new house or get married or pass exams or doing new business. The astrologer would do some calculations according to the magic formulas he alone knows and arrive at a certain conclusion. The astrologer would sometime say that he or she is under the bad influence of a certain planet and to counter this the clients should go to his or her birthday planetary post and pour a certain number of cups of water or place papier mache umbrellas or flowers etc as a "yadaya" or to put it in English, a symbolic counter to avert the bad influences the subject is under currently or looming in the future by using the inherent powers in his or her offering plus some personal wishes. "

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hip Hop yeah
Went for a beginner hip hop class with Alyssa today! Yeah, i finally got people accompany me go dance class liao~~ Hee, though i dun mind going classes alone, but having company sure beats going alone.
Class was tough, but not as tough as expected and it was pretty enjoyable. Look forward to going for more classes in future. I went to Oschool at Bencoolen street. Well well, it wasn't easy gettin there. I didn't know the school has change location so we spent quite sometime looking for it.
Beginner class cost just $12! Its so so affordable.
Need to get myself some nice terry cloth pants soon, my moves look so weird in leggings. I look so aerobics, i think i forever look aerobics lor, yucks.
Went shopping with Alyssa after that, wah..finally.. coz our shopping trip seems to have postpone so many times..paiseh man... Bugis new shopping centre Ilumna is open!! So has Tampines 1!!
Went Tampines 1 yesterday with Baby, it was so so crowded, its crazy. Several security was deployed for crowd control at the escalators, as i siad, its crazy man. There were throngs of people all around the mall, but as expected, most are out window-shopping.
I wanted to go Uniqlo, but the queue to enter was so so long, wah lau, its crazy lor. But i already told Baby my prediction. I give it 3 months, and the crowd will die away. ViVocity used to be crowded but look at it now.
Hmm...there are so many new shopping centres emerging, but why aren't the shops giving better price and discounts. Why doesn't the word economy of scale gets to them? So, there are more Dorothy Perkins, TopShop and Sasa outlets in Singapore, but the prices are still high. Alyssa and i were at a shop in Bugis, i think its called, I love apple, nice hip necklace that looks very 77th Street cost $43 and above. T-shirts cost $50 over dollars and above.
No wonder banks are collapsing. People all withdraw money to go buy t-shirts liao lor.
Look forward to watching movies with Baby later, think we really need that. But im caught in between watching Handsome suit, The unborn and Confessions of a shopaholic.
Think we need some comedy to cool the tension between us right now. But i like thriller leh, very long no watch thriller shows in movies lidat, than whole world seems to have already watch shopaholic except me. How.....
Class was tough, but not as tough as expected and it was pretty enjoyable. Look forward to going for more classes in future. I went to Oschool at Bencoolen street. Well well, it wasn't easy gettin there. I didn't know the school has change location so we spent quite sometime looking for it.
Beginner class cost just $12! Its so so affordable.
Need to get myself some nice terry cloth pants soon, my moves look so weird in leggings. I look so aerobics, i think i forever look aerobics lor, yucks.
Went shopping with Alyssa after that, wah..finally.. coz our shopping trip seems to have postpone so many times..paiseh man... Bugis new shopping centre Ilumna is open!! So has Tampines 1!!
Went Tampines 1 yesterday with Baby, it was so so crowded, its crazy. Several security was deployed for crowd control at the escalators, as i siad, its crazy man. There were throngs of people all around the mall, but as expected, most are out window-shopping.
I wanted to go Uniqlo, but the queue to enter was so so long, wah lau, its crazy lor. But i already told Baby my prediction. I give it 3 months, and the crowd will die away. ViVocity used to be crowded but look at it now.
Hmm...there are so many new shopping centres emerging, but why aren't the shops giving better price and discounts. Why doesn't the word economy of scale gets to them? So, there are more Dorothy Perkins, TopShop and Sasa outlets in Singapore, but the prices are still high. Alyssa and i were at a shop in Bugis, i think its called, I love apple, nice hip necklace that looks very 77th Street cost $43 and above. T-shirts cost $50 over dollars and above.
No wonder banks are collapsing. People all withdraw money to go buy t-shirts liao lor.
Look forward to watching movies with Baby later, think we really need that. But im caught in between watching Handsome suit, The unborn and Confessions of a shopaholic.
Think we need some comedy to cool the tension between us right now. But i like thriller leh, very long no watch thriller shows in movies lidat, than whole world seems to have already watch shopaholic except me. How.....
I dunno why im like this, i dislike myself like this. I dislike the fact that you don't like me like this. Its 3:30am in the morning and i still can't get myself to sleep. All thanks to those stupid photos. Why must people be so insensitive.
Maybe to her, to you its small matter, but to me ite definately nOT.
Maybe to her, to you its small matter, but to me ite definately nOT.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hahaha finally back since tuesday night. Taking into consideration the fact that we had no personal shopping time, the entire trip was still still incredible. Thanks to the great company of my manager and my wonderful Myanmar agents, i received great hospitality there. Im so lousy at words, but all i can say is, though its tiring, its still great. We eat at great restaurants and rested at high-class hotels, enjoyed chatting cracking jokes with the agents whom did not make us feel like we are trying to PR with each other.
I had great food at every single meal, though intercontinental breakfast at my hotel gets boring after the 2nd day, but still, it beats drinking packet milo and Gardenia bread. I had Thai food, Japanese Food, Myanmar food and even Singapore food!!
The event was successfully carried out, though some areas was unfortunately left out, but it makes me learnt from my mistakes, I learnt to not be dependable on others and the importance of follow-up, to describe it better, i learn the importance of SI CHAN LAN DA. Which is a skill that i have not master but im gonna start learning.
Sometimes, i think i nua too long already, no matter how many stuff i done in a day, when i lay on bed at night, i still feel a voice telling me inside, Jessica u can do better and faster~. Yeah, i need to oil my engines man. Need to buck up even more and be ven more alert. Opportunity knocks just once baby.
Really Thank God and certain people for the opportunity granted to me. Having been involved in this event, i am now confident to take on similar events again. Should i be involved in another event again, i'm gonna be even more careful and take extra attention to all the nitty gritty stuff involved in event preparation, such as good time management and soul-chasing skills.
(soul-chasing; i chase my manager for approval, she chase my boss for approval, my boss will try to find some scapegoat to avoid giving us early approval, than i will chase my manager for approval than she will..........)
I have many pictures to share, but very tired nw, will upload soon.
My God~ this post of mine is like super boring but who cares! Haha Lalala~
Hahaha finally back since tuesday night. Taking into consideration the fact that we had no personal shopping time, the entire trip was still still incredible. Thanks to the great company of my manager and my wonderful Myanmar agents, i received great hospitality there. Im so lousy at words, but all i can say is, though its tiring, its still great. We eat at great restaurants and rested at high-class hotels, enjoyed chatting cracking jokes with the agents whom did not make us feel like we are trying to PR with each other.
I had great food at every single meal, though intercontinental breakfast at my hotel gets boring after the 2nd day, but still, it beats drinking packet milo and Gardenia bread. I had Thai food, Japanese Food, Myanmar food and even Singapore food!!
The event was successfully carried out, though some areas was unfortunately left out, but it makes me learnt from my mistakes, I learnt to not be dependable on others and the importance of follow-up, to describe it better, i learn the importance of SI CHAN LAN DA. Which is a skill that i have not master but im gonna start learning.
Sometimes, i think i nua too long already, no matter how many stuff i done in a day, when i lay on bed at night, i still feel a voice telling me inside, Jessica u can do better and faster~. Yeah, i need to oil my engines man. Need to buck up even more and be ven more alert. Opportunity knocks just once baby.
Really Thank God and certain people for the opportunity granted to me. Having been involved in this event, i am now confident to take on similar events again. Should i be involved in another event again, i'm gonna be even more careful and take extra attention to all the nitty gritty stuff involved in event preparation, such as good time management and soul-chasing skills.
(soul-chasing; i chase my manager for approval, she chase my boss for approval, my boss will try to find some scapegoat to avoid giving us early approval, than i will chase my manager for approval than she will..........)
I have many pictures to share, but very tired nw, will upload soon.
My God~ this post of mine is like super boring but who cares! Haha Lalala~
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