Sunday, May 30, 2010

I'm a cashier

Finally finish my third day of OT, one more day to go!! Jiayou Jessie, Ganbatte!!

Legs aching mad. Stand for 11 over hours doin cashiering, lunch n dinner break was jus abt 15-20mins each. Like machiam army days. Really 佩服 my full timers retail staff.

Do felt 怪怪 in my heart , cuz can feel like they dun respect us office staff sometimes, maybe I think too much, but I kinda have the vibes that they feel that we office ppl earn more than them , sit down whole day , no stress, not like them, and unfairness in their heart starts setting in somehow little by little.

I have worked as retail staff before too so can totally understand how they feel, well dats the reason y I quited n look for office job.

They wldn't know of course of the fact that.

-certain office staff get lowly paid. (me)
- OT cannot claim money (me)
-one person do many people job yet no one will remember or say thanks (me)
-no uniforms and have to spent own money to buy decent clothes. U work in fashion line, try wear ugly ugly to work lor, not only some evil eyes will give u the um.. Evil look or worse ur boss will put ur name at the very back of the promotion list aka 被公司冷藏. Haha

My clothes nt very pretty la, but humans ma, got our on and off days but sometimes certain ones not so bad ley my point is, see, got uniform so much better.

I dunno when I will get to have clothing allowance too lor. Mmm... Envy... Mmm...sob sob.

There's many more to tell of course, someone shld come out with a book for that.

Read from somewhere , a good blog shld have pictures, oh well ok, here's one. My free company provide dinner today!!

Im only sharing this becoz the previous bento meals were um... Really not that great.

And of course there r pros n cons in everything in life. Take for e.g, my pros in working during this during this long weekend would be the extra cash earned n free meals (lunch n dinner provided :) ) so worthwhile :$

Cons of working OT wld be the fact that I have missed the chance to buy a new cheap n good camera ($149 for a Canon Powershot lor, DSLR at $349!!Can u imagine!!) License to Play exhibition at Suntec AND the big 70% off sale on Kate Spade, Coach and GUCCI which is held at M Hotel today! Now I know why everyone else can afford Gucci except for me, I dun go overseas so I missed the good deals AND everytime such fantastic deals comes abt Im either broke or working.

My cons is longer than my pros?go figure k.

- Signed off with i Phone

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