Monday, August 07, 2006

Sunshine Day

So glad everything has been sorted baby loves me even more now. i guess girls like me tends to get a teeny weeny bit insecure sometimes, my darling can be so forgiving so sensitive so emotional and yet be insensitive in certain areas...But one think i know, whoever says that tears ought to be a women's weapon should be prosecuted. Years of history has shown that tears are nothing but a form of emotional reaction. Tears bring nothing but fruastration and lost to the guys. Guys hate it when girls cry, but frankly speaking they hate it not because their heart aches but because they feel lost and useless and that in their mental image they link women crying to babies and we all know how fruastrating it can be when a baby cries non-stop.I learnt that recently that the best way it to do vice-versa stuff, we girls dun need to cry or weep when we feel low, if your guy is the cause of the crying than we should try to make them cry. Say touching things, things that hit straight to their heart, make them realise than they are wrong etc...but all this depends on individual. Its takes years of training to attain this level of provoking a guy to cry. I myself have not realy master it YET.

Come to think of it I didn't know how importance i was in his life and what an impact i have created until the brother tells mi how he thinks. I find it irony will seem so easy to get other people to open up, to communicate with you, its so comforting when someone is willing to trust you n pour out their views and feelings to you but not when it is towards your own family members. i figure out making the effort to bring his siblings closer is important as they will be part of my family one day.

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