Ok its getting late but im gonna just do a quick entry in case i forgotten all that i wanna blog about.
Im super proud of myself, i hope i'll continue be proud of myself everyday~~ Hahaha. OT til after midnight on fri, as work is still uncompleted, i went back to my office on Sat morning and OT from 9am till almost 5pm!!! Im so proud of myself.
And because of that, i have a replacement off day!! Yeah, its totally unprecendented.
Work first 2 days, got 1 day leave liao, maybe if that continues soon i shall have many more days leave and than Baby & I can go on a holiday in BKK without having to wait till my confirmation!!! Wee~~~ Hahahah
Kiddin la, u think i will take leave during my probation meh, Sha Gua~
La La la~~
Watched 20th century boys with R & his colleagues at Plaza Sing after that, the show was quite nice actually, has an intriguing plot and they really keep u glue onto the screen anticipating for wats gonna happen next, but the downside is that in the end, nothin happens.
They have no ending, just like Wolverine, they simply ask u to catch their Part 3 in August. $#@%$@*%.
But its just seem so interesting to me at a certain pt. In the movie, a character said "In History, only 1 person has risen from the dead and afterwhich people regard him as God"
I can hear many people ard me whispering "Jesus"
So its simply amazing, when u r watchin a movie, non-believers & believers can come together n agreed that Jesus was the ONLY ONE in history that actually really died n resurrected with the power of God. Its jus makes me start thinking, ppl dun go church nt becoz they dun believe in Jesus, but becoz they chose to NOT WANT to believe in Jesus.
Bought some 'premium' chocs from Century Square, wah~~make my heart pain...
Saw this auntie that was very enthu in seekin passerby shoppers to try her chocs, so i thot give it a try lor, in the end i decided to support support her chocs coz her service was really good, she attempt to describe almost every single choc in the showcase.
It stated $5.50 for 50g so i thot ok lar, $5.50 for premium chocs. The auntie took a small bag of chocs place them on the scale, and the machine shown $12.70.
Auntie told me they cheat on the machine abit, the actual weight was much heavier than what's seen on the scale, but they did it becoz they wish to give us 'more value'
I declined and told her to just give me the $5.50 amt, she took out some, and re-place on the scale. $9.60. Than she said, "like this ok, so cheap, u gave $10 still gt change back ley"
I got a little irritated. Replied her, "its ok auntie thanks, just 50g is enough, im on a diet" With the smile still plastered on her face, she re-weigh again, $8.80. "Miss, ok? Its not a lot"
I started frowning slightly and replied, "Auntie, i jus wan $5.50 amt"
With that, she re-weigh, $7.20. Flashing me with a smaller smile. "Ok le ma?"
I gave up, in the end i took the $7.20 chocs. When i saw how pathetic the amt for $7.20 is (which is approx 65g), i started realising how stuuupid i was for thinkin $5.50 for 50g is acceptable. I have let the numbers fake me. Common sense wld tell u that 50g is really very little, but i was just too...
Look for urself.
My Almond Dark Chocolate
Saw that. 5pcs $7.20, each piece cost $1.44~My heart...(*clutch tightly*) ugh....
Hey dun start sniggering n thinkin how stingy i am, im just a normal average gal that feed on M&M chocs that cost $1.20 for a whole packet of 20-30pcs of choc bits.
$7.20 i can buy many packets of M&M u noe.
So precious i dun even bare to just pop them in my mouth.
They HAVE to be savour in small dainty bites.