Wah......well thanks for my fast running skills, i manage to be on time for work and survive another day again. There is no gym trainer on duty this morning again.......its so scary ya noe, to be walking around with all the mirrors beside you. At certain moments i reali feel like there is someone lurking around the corner of the empty aerobics studio. Well dats y normally the first thing i did when i enter Amore is usually to switch on the music first, it always make me feel so much better after hearing the DJ voice.
Well i muz say I nearly gone crazy with all the phones ringing and endless phonecalls asking about the same questions, sometimes i really really wonder How did all the Customer Service people handle it everyday, if the people from those Counselling Centre were to consolidate the jobs of all their clients, confirm more than 80% must be in the service line. Everyday i see people posting complains abt the service standard of Singaporeans, it really makes mi wonder again, how many of them themselves are actually polite, friendly and super customer-friendly when they are working during their youth days. Well dat brings me to another point, wat goes around comes around, if u r rude to someone than u may kena dat attitude directed bck at you one day.
Well enough of all my bullshit, i am really wasting web space man, ArGhhh!!!!!Can anyone give me extra tuition on my Japanese, its so tough!!Every time i go for the Jap class, its always abt the dunno wat -te form and na-adjective and many others dat i had no clue abt, well i guess i have no choice but to pray hard to God that nothing wld go wrong for my Jap exam. I am reali useless in regards to going for gym, my feet just dun respond to my brain, everytime i gave my feet instructions to go gym, it will always walk somewhere else, well it brings me to Four Leaves Bakery and the food court today when i wanted it to bring me to Amore Fitness. Well i just have to keep trying.........
Didn't manage to chat with my BF again......, i juz hate him sometimes for always calling at a time when im nt free.How to answer phone when i am in a Jazz class, but truly speaking i am actuali a little relieve dat i do nt need to talk on the phone coz i reali dunno wat to say le. Its so devastating sometimes...