Tuesday, September 25, 2007

YucKs Sickness sinks in

Finally recover from my long sickness, i couldn't believe how i could have survived without Bert by my side. I started vomitting and having diarrhoea since Wednesday, and its hard to get morsel of food into my body. I never felt so hungry before, i was eager to have food but my body kept dispelling everything out. But it does felt good to have Bert feeding me by the spoon like im a baby. Hmmm...i think im getting too used to it le, it makes me feel tired to feed myself now. : )

IM SO HAPPY to weigh myself now, i stepped onto the bathroom scale confidently and ta-da i got my satisfying results right before my eyes, a good 4-5kg loss. Hahahahaha it makes all the suffering these few days so damn worth it. Hahaha

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