Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Its so weird sometimes, love is so beautiful and yet so confusing, navigating around friendster, i saw so many up and down in relationships among people. Thank God for pictures, as the expression on them paint a thousand words i pray that all men shall find the one they love and have a happy ending. Relationships shouldn't be stagnant at 'its complicated' Seeing the happy look on his face, i pray that JY will receive the same love that he received from me from his 'the one' now. Me? Im right in the beginining of beautiful fairy tale myself.

Hee...with good time management i have managed to eat snake sometimes, well thats the only thing that i like about my job, it can be so flexible sometimes...End up spoiling the surprise that 'Carrot' has set for me, hee...the surprise look he has when he saw me at his doorstep. Thanks baby for the sweet rose and card, although u dun have the time to wrap it up but it stil warms my heart. JUst love the embarrased look on ur face when ur surprise was spoilt. But at the same time thank God for all the wonderful arrangements, it seems that we are destined in every path we take. I dunno how long my fairy tale is gonna last, not sure whether am i the one for my carrot. But i know for one thing, relationship between 2 persons requires the effort of both party to maintain, and i know we will walk through all things together, i dun care what people will think of me, all i know is that ur happiness and mine is the top priority right now.

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